Selling your home in or near Los Angeles County? Contact Ronald Wong and make sure you're setting the price right.

If you're going to sell your home, you should seriously consider a professional appraisal. An appraisal doesn't cost that much and it's worth the money in the long run! Unless the homeowner makes a career out of studying real estate values, like an appraiser, it's difficult for them to understand the nuances of their local real estate market.

This isn't a discussion of how much you have invested in your home, or how much you want to sell it for. Instead, a appraisal provides a professional opinion on the true market value of your home.

Contact us for any questions regarding our specialized services for home sellers.

Selling yourself instead of using a real estate agent and need help with pricing?

More and more CA homeowners are deciding to sell their homes FSBO (For Sale By Owner) and foregoing the help of a real estate agent. But to do it right, quickly and to get the most you can, you need a professional appraisal. The best thing to have is objective opinions, it can be very hard to be objective about your own home because of your emotional attachment to it. We will inform you of what you need to know, not just what you want to hear.

In addition to helping you set a astute selling price so your home will attract buyers, a professional appraisal can:

  • Be a very useful bargaining tool while speaking with a potential buyer
  • Put buyers at ease with written proof of the condition of your home inside and out
  • Call attention to any issues and eliminate overlooked repairs hassles that might stall a closing
  • Prevent the possibility of unknown problems that cause sales to deteriorate

Folks are sometimes surprised when they find out the value of their home is much more than they thought. So by taking the first step and spending a little on an appraisal allowed them to get thousands more than they could have gotten originally. Alternatively, some people have an exaggerated impression of their home's value, and an appraisal gave then the assistance they needed in order to set a more reasonable price their home in order for it to sell quickly rather than sitting on the market for months. Selling too high will not attract buyers, reducing your offers, making closing more difficult, which can waste your valuable time and drain your resources while getting nothing done

We also help agents price homes in Los Angeles County

Even if you're working with the most experienced agent, it's definitely a good idea to have of value prior to signing a listing agreement. Ronald Wong can help. An appraisal can be invaluable in a scenario like this. It will give both you and your agent a complete description for your property and its features and give you insight into how the local real estate market is performing with a record of the latest comparable properties in the area.

Serving Arcadia with unsurpassed real estate consulting services

Have you decided against an entire appraisal but still need some information about how the real estate market is doing in your area? Maybe you feel like you don't need an "appraisal" but you require some help gathering local property and sales data. We can be a resource for your real estate decisions with services especially tailored for clients with your real estate needs.

After you order an appraisal report from us, expect the following....

  • We pride ourselves on making sure that when you send your initial inquiry, you get a prompt response: We will provide you with personalized information for your individual appraisal need. Just let us know your situation and we will make suggestions.
  • Quick turnarounds on appraisals: Usually one week or less from the date we receive the request, you'll have a PDF of the report in your e-mail inbox.
  • Appraisal and consulting report formats to suit YOUR needs: We've done a large amount of assignments, and we've learned that in the art of real estateappraising it's naive to think there's a typical or standard, "cookie cutter" report. We offer a variety of types of reports, and have know how at providing appraisals to consumers that keep the industry jargon to a minimum in an easy to read format without a lot of industry jargon.
  • Quick response to follow-up questions: When we deliver a report to our clients, we make sure they are clearly written, easy to understand, and meet or exceed the Uniform Standards of Professional Practice that moderates the appraisal practice. If you have any questions regarding your appraisal, once you've read the report, just give us a call or email us!